Complete Dimensions Weight loss and Moca Meltdown
In 22 days you will be Amazed!
325.00 initial startup – Medical Evaluation, labs, medication, administration setup.
Program includes
- Medical Assessment
- Laboratory Assessments Every 3 mos
- Weight loss Journal and eBook
- Weekly weigh-in and measurement
- Facebook group for accountability & nutritional Support
- One week of coffee (not include for natural weight loss selection)
- Fat burner capsules
120.00 per week for Wegovy and B12
85.00 per week Sandexa, Victoza, Rezbelus
45.00 per week for Natural weightloss Coffee or Weight loss Gel capsules
ADD-On extra weight management support
Detox Drinks for 6.00 each
Great drink to kickstart weight loss and get body in transition mode to shed the unwanted weight. Helps eliminate stored waste in Gastro intestinal tract and reduce inflammation in body.
Lipotropic injections – 35.00 each or 111.00 for month
Injections that promote natural metabolism of fat burning along with energy production to help you feel energized during weight loss process. Also accelerate results.
IV Hydration: 75.00 with fat burner- 45 min
Provides hydration to body to allow for transport of the fat cells to be flushed out through the kidneys. Along with increased energy and boost in metabolism to keep fat burning continuous.
Sauna Detox : 99.00
Loosen and shrink stubborn fat cells during weight loss process. Also provides relaxation of tissues and reduce stress to inhibit the production of cortisol which promotes fat cell production.
Lipo Dissolve injections: 365.00
Multiple small injections supplied to one area of the body ex. (stomach , legs, arms , flanks , back, face). This procedure permanently dissolve fat from area. Results seen in 1 to 2 weeks for best results multiple sessions is recommended at least 4 to 12 sessions with proper diet and exercise and use of a compression garment
Red Light Therapy: 45.00 per session
Aid in stress reduction, muscle relaxation, Fat cell shrinkage, and pain relief.
Massage Therapy: 95.00 – 50 min massage / 150.00 – 90 min
Relax and move toxins from the body tissues to promote excretion. Provides improvement in agility, flexibility, and movement.The relax massage allows for the body to get relaxed and restored. Working to reduce stress and tensions that the body is holding and have been exposed to during regular physical movement and processes. Feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Other massage options:
200.00 for deep tissue with CES therapy -50 min
250.00 deep tissue with CES therapy- 90minThis is the ultimate massage to target any troubled or pain areas in the body along with full detail explanation of continual treatment options and assessment. The CES-control emotional stress device will provide immediate stress reduction, relaxation to body during the massage session. This will allow for tissue profusion to be optimal and release unwanted toxins, inflammation, and reduce pain at the site.
Tai chi Massage- 275.00
2 hour massage comprised of ancient massage maneuvers and stretch techniques to move stored negative energy from the body to promote positive healing and restoration natural to the cells. Assisting the body lymphatic system to remove toxins from the body through normal excretion.
- Reduced tension and anxiety, which lowers blood pressure.
- Improves body balance, coordination and normal body functioning.
- Reduction of chronic pains.
- Body relaxation, leading to better sleeping patterns.
- Rejuvenates the body, making fitness routines easy and fun.
- Tai Chi massage is a conscious body and mind therapy that stimulates internal body strength.

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If you have questions, don’t hesitate to message us. For your appointments and assistance, kindly click here.